System Friday All Staff Checklist Friday All Staff Meeting All staff done together All Staff Cleanup Done from 230pm to 300pm Class Planning 300pm to 320pm Where all the checklists done this week for each * A check means it was done. Cleaning checklists done twice Program manager Instructors staff Floor staff Email Korbett what was not done (or H.A.) Clean the 6 corners on the mat. Make sure everything is moved. * (there are 6 corners on the mat count each corner and sweep it) Yes No General cleanup done * Yes No Attack lost and found clean the belt storage area and the window * (pick things up off floor, smelly gis go) Chris does while BM and Sherri Card Count) Dirtty Gi’s home Snacks off floor Dust window and blinds shop vac floor Card count Include Jr. BB, Teens, Adults (Brandon and Sherri) Yes No Interpret the stats for this week? * Look at ratios, whats limiting us, what can we do to improve Challenges from this week? Create class planners for next week and BBC on ink boarrd Yes No What are the special events? Do we need to prep any gear, any promo material?